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Sermons on Jonah

Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People?

Our final sermon from the book of Jonah looks at [esvignore]Jonah 4[/esvignore]. We discover that Jonah is angry with God because he cannot comprehend how such a people as the Ninevites would be the recipients of God’s mercy. Jonah discovers that the chief attributes of God’s character don’t always align with man’s sense of right…

The Good Grace of Discipline

As we come to the half way point in the book of Jonah, we continue to find convicting lessons. In this sermon, we examine first the idea of types and antitypes in the Old Testament. Far from a dry academic discussion, we learn the good reason why God paints such beautiful pictures. In the second…

Running, Repentance, and Restoration

[esvignore]Jonah 1:17-2:10 – God has given Jonah a direct instruction It is not a complicated, nuanced instruction. It is plain. Go to Nineveh. [/esvignore] Instead of following a direct instruction from God, Jonah disobeys, and launches out on his own plans. He leaves and begins a run from God, attempting to flee the presence of…

Awake, Sleeper

[esvignore]Jonah 1:1-16[/esvignore] – In our continuing investigation of the book of Jonah, we are warned by the prophet’s example. Jonah suffered a spiritual decline that began long before his providential trip to Tarshish. In this sermon, we learn three signs of spiritual decline that lull God’s people to sleep leading to ineffectiveness, dullness of heart…