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Running, Repentance, and Restoration

[esvignore]Jonah 1:17-2:10 – God has given Jonah a direct instruction It is not a complicated, nuanced instruction. It is plain. Go to Nineveh. [/esvignore]

Instead of following a direct instruction from God, Jonah disobeys, and launches out on his own plans. He leaves and begins a run from God, attempting to flee the presence of the LORD. But for all his efforts, Jonah ends up descending to depths he probably didn’t plan on. Why were Jonah’s plans thwarted? What was Jonah’s response? What does the fish have to do with all this?

[esvignore]Are you, like Jonah, hanging on to ways that seem right but are opposite to God’s instructions for you? Is God sending a big fish your way to get your attention? Hear Pastor Lee work through issues like these in Jonah 1:17-2:10.[/esvignore]

Jonah 1:17-2:10


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