Technical Note: The first 10 minutes of the message were not recorded, however, the bulk of the message is present. Please enjoy!
Here is our introductory message on the Gospel of Matthew that sets up the context through which we will look at this gospel. We begin the series with the last verses of the gospel, [esvignore]Matthew 28:16-20[/esvignore]. We will make it evident why we start at the end. Technically speaking, it will be a topical message, as most introductions are. Next week we will get into the meat of exegesis by tackling the reason the gospel begins with a genealogy.
Our sermon topics are:
- What is a Gospel?
- Themes in Matthew
- Author and Relation to Other Gospels
- Dating the Book and the general The Setting: The Galilee/Jerusalem Contrast
- Why Study a Gospel?
Public reading: [esvignore]Malachi 4[/esvignore]; Benediction: [esvignore]2 Corinthians 13:14[/esvignore]