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The Full Armor of God 2: God’s Omnipotence

In this sermon, we take an in-depth look at the power of God to keep us and strengthen us, especially with an eye toward suffering and trials. We learn from [esvignore]Ephesians 6:10[/esvignore] that we are to be strong in the power and might of the Lord. What is the nature of this power and how do we get it? Themes in this sermon include God’s attribute of omnipotence, the strengthening of our faith by trial, the sureness of God’s power even when His children are weak in faith, and the immeasurable richness of Christians because we possess a Bible.

Ephesians 6:10

Our public reading was from [esvignore]Judges 7:1-23[/esvignore]

Judges 7:1-23


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