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'Jesus' Tagged Sermons

What Child Is This?

This Lord’s Day we asked “What Child is This?” Our sermon text, [esvignore]Luke 2:1-21[/esvignore], will led us to the manger, but did not linger long, for the fullness of scripture gives us the answer about this child’s unique identity. Our sermon addresses the various roles, the many names, and the multi-faceted aspects of His mission. It is largely a whirlwind tour of…

He Was Born To Be A Priest

[esvignore]Hebrews 2:10-18[/esvignore] – During the Christmas season, we spend a lot of time talking about the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Much attention is given to the details surrounding his entrance into the world and the fact that he came as a man like us. But, for most of history, Jesus wasn’t here. In…

Exposition of Psalm 51

[esvignore]Psalm 51[/esvignore] – David’s fall is something worth avoiding. But David’s rise is something we should imitate. If David, a King, was not excluded from the reach of the law, the law delivered by Nathan the prophet, let us humble ourselves and hear the law from Christ our savior delivered by the scriptures. Don’t reject the hard words of admonition from God’s…