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The Full Armor of God 3: Know Thy Enemy

As we progress through our study of the full armor of God, we have taken some time to heed the call to war and we have looked at the power of God to enable our resistance. Now we learn about our enemy and his sly tactics from [esvignore]Ephesians 6:11[/esvignore], and supplement with a number of other scriptures so that we will be well equipped. Every Christian soldier needs to be armed with knowledge so that we will not be “outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.” ([esvignore]2 Corinthians 2:11[/esvignore]). We end with 7 applications to help us when our enemy temps and accuses us.

(Scroll down for the Public Reading and Sunday’s Benediction)

Sermon Text: [esvignore]Ephesians 6:11[/esvignore]

Ephesians 6:11

Our public reading was [esvignore]Psalm 10[/esvignore]

Psalm 10

Our Benediction was from [esvignore]1 Chronicles 29:11[/esvignore]

1 Chronicles 29:11


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