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Topical – Five Truths Found in a Faithful Church

Our last sermon as CCF will take us to the book of Acts to re-visit what makes a faithful church. The message is meant to encourage us as we enter a new year under our new name, and to keep our focus in the right place. The message is entitled, “Five Truths Found in a Faithful Church” and comes from [esvignore]Acts 20:28-32[/esvignore], which we will step through concept-by-concept.

Here is our outline:

I. Intro
II. Five Truths
— 1. The Church is a Serious Matter
— 2. The Church is Precious
— 3. The Church is Alert
— 4. The Church is Dependent Upon Grace
— 5. The Church Loves the Word
III. The Word Abides

Public Reading: [esvignore]Revelation 21:1-4, 22-27[/esvignore]; Benediction: [esvignore]Philippians 4:23[/esvignore]

Acts 20:28-32

Revelation 21:1-4, 22-27

Philippians 4:2