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The Glorious Mission of Marriage

Stirred by the recent joyful outbreak of weddings in our congregation, this topical sermon is very timely. We look at the Glorious Mission of Marriage and visit two classic passages, [esvignore]Genesis 2:15-25[/esvignore], and [esvignore]Ephesians 5:22-33[/esvignore]. We learn why marriage is tied to great things, indeed the greatest purpose of all creation – the redemption of sinners in Jesus. We look at Adam and Eve, and see how Adam did not accomplish the full mission, and thus humanity has to await the One who could, Jesus Christ. We, His bride, are to treasure His headship over us, and lovingly and faithfully maintain our own marriages as testimonies of the work of God to reconcile sinners to Himself through Jesus. Our outline is:
  1. Why is Marriage Important?
  2. Marriage has a Mission
  3. Mission Impossible
  4. Union – Mission Accomplished
  5. A Right Perspective on Marriage
    1. It must be Preserved
    2. It must be Defended
    3. It must be maintained
Public reading:[esvignore]Hebrews 5:1-10[/esvignore]; Benediction:[esvignore]Romans 15:5-6[/esvignore].