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In All That He Does, He Prospers

[esvignore]Psalm 1[/esvignore] – This psalm opens the collection of psalms that we find in our Bible today.  It is foundational a proper understanding of God, man, godliness, and prosperity.  Verses 1 and 2 are often quoted and memorized as they encourage man to walk in purity.  Verse 3, on the other hand, describes the blessed man as prosperous in all that he does.  What is the linkage between the purity of verses 1 and the prosperity of verse 3?  What are the implications of the prosperity described by the fruitful tree?  How does the imagery of chaff fit in?  Listen as Pastor Lee works through [esvignore]Psalm 1[/esvignore] with those questions in mind.

Psalm 1