Our sermon is entitled, “Gospel of Matthew – Who do You say that I am?” We will look at a very controversial but key passage regarding the Lord’s church, [esvignore]Matthew 16:13-20[/esvignore]. Our outline should give you a flavor of what we will learn.
I. Who do you say that I am?
II. The Rock, who or what is it?
—— Roman Catholic view
—— Early Church view
—— Protestant view
III. Gates of Hell, what are they?
IV. Keys of the Kingdom
—— Roman Catholic view
—— Gospel Loosening
—— Shepherding view
V. Tell no one
Public Reading: [esvignore]Psalm 89:1-18[/esvignore]; Benediction: [esvignore]2 Corinthians 13:14[/esvignore]