Our sermon is entitled Friends and Traitors and comes from [esvignore]2 Samuel 16:15-23[/esvignore]. We will see Hushai again, doing what David sent him to do, and then we’ll witness a gross and wicked act by Ahithophel against God and David. Ahithophel is the Judas of the Old Testament. Our themes will center on betrayal and the one who does not betray. We will also briefly speak about how God, in His providence, is free to use evil for His own purposes. Our outline:
- David’s Friend Hushai
- Absalom’s Doubt
- Hushai the Upright
- Hushai the Friend
- Ahithophel the Betrayer
- Offensive counsel
- No hope of reconciliation.
- Fulfilled Judgment
- Vendetta
- God’s Providence in All Circumstances
- “Is God responsible for evil?”
- The God Who Does Not Betray
The public reading was [esvignore]Job 1:6-12[/esvignore]; Our benediction was [esvignore]Psalm 89:52[/esvignore].