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Sermons on Ephesians (Page 5)

Restoration, Peace and a New Race

In this sermon we examine [esvignore]Ephesians 2:11-22[/esvignore]. Our chief concern is the breaking down of hostile divisions between the Jew and Gentile, and the new people resulting from the peace that Jesus Christ has brought to us – that new people is the Church. Up to this point, we have been concerned with the work of Christ on the personal level; here,…

Therefore Remember…

Memory is a powerful thing capable of changing our attitude and outlook. In this sermon from [esvignore]Ephesians 2:11-12[/esvignore], the chief commands Paul leaves us with are “remember, and remember.” How fitting that the last sermon on the year is a call to remember our former hopelessness in light of the glorious gospel we now possess! Ephesians 2:11-12 Our public reading was [esvignore]Matt…

The Gift of Grace

This sermon investigates [esvignore]Ephesians 2:8-10[/esvignore] where we learn about the gift grace. Our three sermon points are 1.) Free grace is a gift; 2.) we are HIS workmanship, not our own; and 3.) good works display His glory. Come learn with us how grace ought to inform our living. Ephesians 2:8-10

But God…

This Sunday we dig into the other side of “But God…” in [esvignore]Ephesians 2:4-7[/esvignore]. We will be refreshed knowing that God has moved on our behalf, and we’ll find out what His motives were. This message is the good news that comes after reading [esvignore]Romans 6:1-3[/esvignore], where our true nature is on display in all its ugliness. Though we were sinners and…

The True Character of Man

We receive a dose of reality from Paul in [esvignore]Ephesians 2:1-4a[/esvignore]. Like any good book has well-developed characters, so the Bible presents man in all his ugliness. We are, apart from Jesus Christ, very dead, really condemned and deeply enslaved. That means something very, very real. Once we understand our Christ-less position, our salvation and life in Christ will surely take on…

Knowledge of the Mighty Power of God

We look once again at the prayer of Paul for the Ephesians and learn that the power of God is the greatest knowledge we can have to see us through this life into glory. [esvignore]Ephesians 1:15-23[/esvignore] culminates in many expressive words about this great power. We learn three aspects of God’s mighty power – His resurrection power, his coronation power and his…

The Ongoing Need for the Knowledge of God

We enter into Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian church, and by extension, for us. He prays in [esvignore]Ephesians 1:15-19[/esvignore] that the church might have their eyes opened to know God in three ways – he wants them to know the  hope to which he has called them, the riches of their inheritance, and the immeasurable power of Christ toward us. Join us…

A Plan for the Fullness of Time

In this third of three sermons from [esvignore]Ephesians 1:3-14[/esvignore], we round out the examination of our many blessings in Christ by looking at our present and future riches in Christ. Here we learn that we are now blessed with the knowledge of the mystery of His will and that we shall in the future be blessed at the summation of all things…

The Vocabulary of the Gospel: Predestination (Reformation Day 2014)

As we continue our series in Ephesians, we look again at Paul’s great eulogy at the beginning of his epistle to the church at Ephesus. We focus on [esvignore]Ephesians 1:3-6[/esvignore], and specifically, the doctrine of divine election, also known as predestination. This doctrine is intended by the Lord to be an encouraging concept to us, to lift our hearts in joy. Sadly,…

The Vocabulary of the Gospel

We look at the massive, 202 word sentence that Paul opens with in his letter to the Ephesians. In [esvignore]Ephesians 1:3-6[/esvignore], Paul bursts forth in a eulogy of praise to God for His many blessings. It is these blessings that form a new vocabulary for the New Covenant believer, one that encourages, lifts us up out of despondency, and makes us glad.…