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'Bible' Tagged Posts

Extraordinary Circumstances

CRBC holds a high view of Scripture and takes the call to holiness seriously. Therefore, we take sins and sins that are crimes seriously and do NOT condone any form of them; instead, we seek to deal with such matters with love, patience, kindness, grace, truth, soberness of mind, and impartiality, as the Scripture instructs.…

Confession Class

When we began as a church, we decided that we would adopt the 1689 London Baptist Confession as the best summary of our core beliefs.  In line with that, we have spent a significant amount of time studying the confession as a church in our special meetings on the first Friday of each month.  About…

If We Discard Adam and Eve

As I was preparing for this week’s sermon I have been thinking about what we have already covered as way of review. It is amazing to me how we can never exhaust the teaching that the Bible has for us. Christians frequently remark how the same passages, when visited again, can teach us new insights…

The Myth of Neutrality and Your Bible

In our post-Christian culture, fairness, equality, tolerance and the inalienable right not to be offended are the chief marks of our day. That is, unless you are a Christian. There is a double standard regarding free speech, tolerance and general equity toward others. As Christians, we receive the hatred of the world and are not…

Buying a Sword: Your Daily Bible

For the Christian, your Bible is your sword (Ephesians 6:17). It is the revealed Word of God and as such, it is authoritative and sufficient for all of life and godliness. With such a central and important place in the Christian’s life, buying a Bible for daily use is not like buying just any other…