From the Desk of the Elders
On these pages you’ll find some excerpts and extended thoughts on various topics such as church life, theology, biblical living, and much more.
On these pages you’ll find some excerpts and extended thoughts on various topics such as church life, theology, biblical living, and much more.
Every now and then, people ask us what it means to be a “Reformed Baptist”. They want to understand why we use that adjective, “reformed”, when describing what kind of church we are. That is a very good and important question. Traditionally, in protestant churches, Reformed means that a church holds to the particular doctrines…
When I was a child, my family attended church together. I fondly remember sitting in the pew with my mother and father, my sister and my grandmother, actively engaged in church. Everyone who attended our church was present during the worship service. Somewhere along the way, that changed. Today, a very large number of evangelical…
Cornerstone Christian Fellowship is a confessional church, meaning we hold to a particular confession of faith as our basic summary of beliefs. But what is a confession of faith and why is it important? A confession of faith is a document that summarizes a church’s beliefs about the Christian faith. It is easy for a…
What is a sermon? What is its purpose? What should characterize it? How do you know if your pastor is faithfully doing his job? Not every verbal presentation which comes from the pulpit qualifies as a sermon. As a church-goer, it is vitally important that you know what your pastor should be doing from the…
A lost concept in many Christian churches is that fathers are to be the spiritual head of their homes. This is one of the consequences of the greater loss of traditional gender roles. Our society works overtime to marginalize the idea of clear gender roles beginning with our children. With every successive generation, the erosion…
In many of today’s confused evangelical churches, there are men and women who are very quick to claim “God told me” or “I received a word” or “The Lord called me to do XYZ.” They proclaim that they have experienced a “very powerful leading” and are sure that “God gave me a revelation.” There is…
For the Christian, your Bible is your sword (Ephesians 6:17). It is the revealed Word of God and as such, it is authoritative and sufficient for all of life and godliness. With such a central and important place in the Christian’s life, buying a Bible for daily use is not like buying just any other…
When a family decides to implement family worship and devotions, the question always arises “What do I do?” Here are several practical suggestions for family worship. Prayer All family worship and devotions should begin with prayer. Seek the Holy Spirit’s help and counsel in your time together. Opening with prayer is a good opportunity for the head of the household to model…
With 70-80 per cent of evangelical young people walking away from the faith as soon as they are out of college (depending on who’s numbers you look at), it is clear that what we have been doing for decades is failing. Gladly, there are many Christians are waking up to their Biblical duties in all across the nation. They desire to reverse…
Believing in the sufficiency of scripture is something that most people would probably agree with on the surface, but the implications of that belief about scripture can be missed with such a general statement. What does it mean to say that we believe in the sufficiency of scripture? Listen to Pastor Head describe how our…