In this sermon we learn that Paul is stunned and astonished that the Galatian churches would so quickly abandon the gospel of Christ. Explore with us the very dangerous thinking that we are above such astonishing sins. Our text is [esvignore]Galatians 1:6-9[/esvignore], from which we derived four observations: 1.) The Astonishment; 2.) The Deserters; 3.) Transferred allegiance; and 4.) The righteous response. In this sermon we consider, in frank manner, the reality that WE are the next big news story if not for the gospel of grace alone. We learn that any gospel with anything added on top is to be rejected as a false gospel. Our source of sure footing is only our Bible alone – no beautiful angel, cute little boy authors, well-mannered speakers, or charismatic teachers can trump what is revealed to us In the Bible.
Galatians 1:6-9