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Gospel of Matthew – Breaking the Status Quo: An Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount

This week’s sermon is a continuation of our study of the gospel of Matthew, but since it is a Fifth Sunday Topical, providentially, we have a topical sermon. In this message, we will introduce the Sermon on the Mount. The message is entitled “Breaking the Status Quo: An Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount” and is launching from [esvignore]Matthew 5:1-2[/esvignore]. We will dive into man’s search for fulfillment and meaning. We will lean heavily on the testimony of modern history, drawing illustrations from some of the 20th century’s most notorious conflicts, to demonstrate the deadly consequences of man seeking meaning in ideas bereft of God’s Word. But if history teaches us our deep deficiencies, Jesus teaches us the only fulfilling answers. Mankind seeks a counter-culture because he is disillusioned with the way things are, yet none seem to work out. In the famous words of U2’s Bono, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.” Yet there, on a hill in remote Galilee, the Creator Himself opened His mouth and taught them, delivering a counter cultural manifesto that even many Christians cannot believe is for today. 

Public reading: [esvignore]Psalm 124[/esvignore]; Benediction: [esvignore]Psalm 4:6b[/esvignore]

Matthew 5:1-2

Psalm 124

Psalm 4:6b