Our text is [esvignore]2 Samuel 15:13-37[/esvignore]. We will witness a moving section of scripture rich with prophetic and typological foreshadowings as King David and his loyal followers must flee Jerusalem upon hearing of Absalom’s revolt. There is much here that causes us to anticipate the suffering of our Lord Jesus. And because betrayal is one of the most difficult of offenses to deal with, we will speak about how to deal with betrayal as well. Our sermon segments are:
- Messenger with Bad News (v.13)
- Flight and Procession (vv.15-23)
- David’s Scheme (vv.24-29; 32-37)
- Weeping Humility (v.30)
- Dealing with Betrayal
Our public reading was[esvignore]John 18:1-11[/esvignore].