Our Leadership Team
Our church proclaims the Lordship of Jesus Christ, as such He is the head of the church. In His wisdom, He has chosen men to shepherd His flock. We recognize our pastors (elders) as under-shepherds, subject to Christ, accountable to the flock, and ruled by the Word, holding to a strict subscription to the 1689 LBC. As office holders, they are called by God and affirmed by the congregation, to lead according the the Scripture’s commands. Our deacons serve the needs of the body, ministering in the important physical and tangible ways. Finally, all of the leadership recognizes the vital wisdom of the congregation in decision making.
Ordained in 2008, Scott is particularly passionate about the power of the Gospel to save and sanctify believers. Besides the Word, which he believes is sufficient and authoritative, Scott cites as his theological and spiritual influences men like Charles Spurgeon, John Owen, and John Bunyan. He thoroughly enjoys reading the Puritans and the early Particular…
Recently ordained in 2021, Paul’s heart for the Gospel and love for the church motivate him as an elder at Cornerstone. He has a passion for counseling and helping people find peace in Christ in a way that brings healing to the hurting and glory to God.